How to Use a Compass and a Map: A Beginner’s Guide

Camping and hiking can be unnecessarily difficult if you do not have a compass and map available. However, even with a compass and map, you must learn to use these tools for a successful trip. Therefore, a compass and map are necessary tools for navigating the outdoors.

When you can read a compass and map you’ll have a successful and SAFE camping or hiking trip. Learning how to read a compass and math will make your trips much easier and reduce stressful situations.

Where do you put a compass on a map?

The best place to put your compass on a map is your current location if you know where you are. By placing your compass over your current location on your map, you will have a better idea of which direction you need to go to get to where you are going. Then, rotate your compass so that the direction of the travel arrow aims at the top of the map.

If you are unsure of your location, you should place your compass on a landmark you have recently passed. Ensure that the directional arrow still faces at the top of the map. Then, follow the steps below to correctly place your compass on the map.

Directions for orienting your compass to your map:

  1. Lay your map and compass on a horizontal surface, so the compass is parallel with the ground.
  2.  Move your compass over to your current location or a landmark that you have recently passed.
  3.  Ensure that your orienting arrow on your compass aims at true north instead of magnetic north on your map. We will discuss later in this article how to determine true north.
  4.  Hold your map and compass as horizontally as possible while navigating when you walk around. Keeping your compass as horizontal as possible will assist you with finding the right way to your destination.

Laying your compass on the map horizontally is imperative to going the right way and avoiding getting lost while hiking. Getting lost while hiking can cause an extremely stressful situation for yourself and anyone at your party. However, learning to use a compass and map properly will empower you to travel wherever you want to go safely.

How do you plot a route with a compass and map?

The best way to get where you are going safely is to plot a route with a compass and a map. Having these tools available and understanding how to use them is crucial for an enjoyable hiking trip. Follow the steps below to successfully plot a route with a compass and map.

  1. Orient your map to the true north.
  2. Take your bearing by pointing the direction of the travel arrow in the direction you want to go.
  3.  Take inventory on your map of how far you will travel to each landmark and the directions you need to go.
  4.  Note the terrain that your map shows you before you begin your travel.
  5.  Estimate how long it will take you to get to your destination from where you start. Time tracking is important when you plot a route with a compass and map.
  6.  Consider all of the landmarks nearby your desired point of travel. This landmark tracking will help you determine if you have walked past your destination or if you are coming up to your destination anytime soon.

When you plot your route on your map, you also want to consider your physical ability to travel certain ways. For example, if you do not hike often, rocky or steep terrains will be difficult for you to go through. Meanwhile, if you are an experienced traveler, then going through steep terrains will be easier for you.

 If you have concerns about your physical ability to reach a certain destination, you should plot out rest stops throughout your travel. This way, you will have a safe way to recharge yourself so that you can safely get to your destination at an appropriate time. Neglecting to plot out rest stops when needed will cause you to be late to your destination or have difficulty getting there.

How do you find north using a compass?

The most important part about using a compass and map to get around is finding the true north on your map. Your compass points magnetic north naturally, so you must go through the steps to find true north. Since finding true north on your compass is so important, follow the steps below so that you do so properly. 

how to find north using a compass
  1. Find magnetic north on your compass by holding your compass flat and horizontally with the ground directly in front of you.
  2. Adjust your orienting arrow so that it faces in front of you. 
  3. Adjust your body left and right while holding your compass until your orienting arrow lines up with your compass needle. This method will face you towards the magnetic north, and then you can adjust yourself so that your compass faces true north.
  4. Adjust your bezel to accommodate the distance you have turned your body in degrees, as indicated by your compass. 
  5. Turn your body until your orienting arrow and compass needle line up again. After the adjustments you have made to your bezel in the previous step, your body will now be facing true north.

There are a few different methods you can use to find true north while using a compass, but the above method is easiest to use wherever you are. Once you find true north on your compass, you can travel anywhere you want using your map and compass without worrying about getting lost. Therefore, finding the true north on your compass is the first step you should take when using your compass and map to travel anywhere.

Do you orient a map to the true north?

To Orient your map properly, you should adjust it to accommodate the features you view in real life. This adjustment means that you must Orient your map to true north. you should also always Orient your compass to true north to accommodate your travels before you start. You just need to Orient your map so you can tell where you are at all times. Follow the stuff below to Orient your map properly.

The way your map lays out will always have North at the top and South at the bottom of the map.

  1. Notice any surrounding landmarks near you and view them on your map.
  2. Adjust your body or map so that the landscape around you lines up with the map in front of you and the direction you need to go.

Fortunately, that is all you need to do to orient your map to the true north. The most important thing to remember when you orient your map is you need to use your map to associate visual cues with the directions you need to go. This means you need to adjust your map and compass accordingly for a better idea of where you are going.

How do you read coordinates on a compass?

After you find the true north on the compass, you need to learn how to read the coordinates on the compass to go in the right direction while traveling. Your main points are north, South, East, and West. Intercardinal points are also necessary to read the coordinates on a compass while traveling.

how do you read coordinates on a compass and a map

To read the coordinates on your compass, you must find latitude and longitude. Your coordinates relate to the real earth. Earth is a sphere which means you can expect 360 degrees worth of coordinates on your compass. Always remember: the line of latitude is listed first in the coordinate, and the line of longitude follows it. Compass coordinates will help you identify your exact location at any given time in case of an emergency.

Read the first set of numbers to determine your latitude. Then, read the second set of numbers to determine your longitude. 

Map and compass navigation courses

Your map and compass can get you anywhere you need to go once you learn how to use the tools. Initially, reading a map and compass properly is difficult for people who have never seen one before. In addition, there are a lot of directions that your map and compass can face, which can confuse things. Follow the steps below to properly use your map and compass to set your navigation course.

  1. Take inventory of your entire compass. Find your magnetic north and true north on your compass before starting your navigation course. 
  2. Turn your map to represent your current location. Find landmarks on the map and real-life to determine where you are at any given time.
  3. Mark your destination on your map and your starting location. This will give you a view of distance and terrain between the spot you start and where you are going.
  4. Take note of any steep inclinations or rocky terrains throughout your course. This can determine how many breaks you will need to take throughout your journey.
  5. Along the trail you plan to travel on your map, mark spots that you think will be appropriate to rest. It would be ideal to find spots with noticeable landmarks so that you do not walk past those spots and miss your break.
  6. Determine how long it breaks you will take depending on how long your trip is and your physical ability. If your trip is long, you will need to take breaks where you can stop and eat for a while. Not giving yourself enough food or rest throughout travel can cause a medical emergency or severe lethargy.
  7. Determine how long your trip will take based on how many breaks you need, the inclination of the trail, and how many feet you travel. 
  8. Mark all of your rest stops on your map between your starting point and your end destination, and write down the estimated amount of time it will take you to reach your destination to ensure that you stay on track.
  9. Note the notable landmarks past your destination or right before it to ensure you do not go beyond the point that you need to go. In addition, marking these points allows you to walk back to your destination if you pass it by accident.

Setting these courses will help you avoid any confusion you might face during your travels. Getting lost in the wilderness can be extremely dangerous and stressful, and you should avoid this scenario at all costs.

Should You Bring a Map and Compass on Easy Trails?

Even if you are confident that the trail you travel is easy, it would be best to bring a map and compass with you to be safe. It is easy to get overconfident before travel and last during your journey. This fact especially holds for trails or courses you have never traveled. 

Keeping a map and compass on you at all times is the best way to stay safe from unexpected circumstances. Keeping these items on you is also handy when traveling throughout day-to-day life, even in places familiar to you. There are many situations where people find themselves unexpectedly lost and without a phone signal, and you can remedy those situations easily with a map and compass.

Final Thoughts

Learning how to use a map and compass can come in handy for several situations period to use a map and compass properly, you need to find the true north on your compass and associate your map with the landmarks around you. Then, after you properly align your map and compass, it is easy to read them and navigate your course without incident.

Neglecting to learn how to read a map and compass on a trail, while hiking, or in general, can cause you to get lost and face dangerous situations. You are always safer when you know where you are and where you need to go.