What Is an Instant Tent and Are They Worth It?

what is an instant tent

Instant tents, sometimes known as ‘pop-up’ tents, are great tents if you want something simple to put up without messing around. Smaller instant tents can be up and ready to go in seconds, and larger tents can take just under a minute. You will spend less time untangling guy ropes and matching color-coded tent poles … Read more

Can You Wash a Tent in the Washing Machine?

Can You Wash a Tent in the Washing Machine

Whether it’s dirt, mold, or just a bad smell, there are many reasons you may want to wash your tent. So what’s the best way to get it clean? Can you wash a tent in the washing machine? What are the other options for getting your tent clean? And what about drying your tent? These … Read more

Is It Safe To Sleep In A Moldy Tent?

is it safe to sleep in a moldy tent

Have you pitched your tent and discovered it is moldy? Do you remember the last time you used your tent? It had been raining, and you were tired and did not take as much time as usual, to ensure your tent was dry before storing it away. The result is that you have a moldy … Read more

How Much Does Camping Cost? How to Keep it Cheap.

how much does camping cost

The idea of camping brings images of picturesque mountains, turquoise streams, and simplicity. With very basic amenities and a thin piece of fabric separating you from the great outdoors, camping must be the cheapest vacation option, right? Although generally regarded as an inexpensive hobby, this may not be the case when you are starting from … Read more

What To Do When You Get To A Campsite At Night

what to do when you get to a campsite at night

Ideally, you want to arrive at your campsite early in the day to make setup easier for yourself. Nonetheless, arriving at your campsite during daylight hours isn’t always possible. Therefore, if you arrive at a campsite at night, you must prepare to set up your campsite safely and figure out what you want to do. … Read more

Can You Sleep on the Beach in California?

Can you sleep in the beach in California

Do you dream of taking your tent to one of California’s many long stretches of golden sandy beaches? Pitching your tent, and toast marshmallows on the campfire. Wake up to the waves gently lapping against the shore. Go for an early morning swim? Unfortunately, depending on where you go, this dream may not be legal … Read more

Do Racoons Attack Tents When You’re Camping?

Do racoons attack tents

Racoons may look cute and innocent, but these furry creatures can easily become pests if you are not careful. Imagine leaving your tent for a while and coming back to see all your food has disappeared. Such a sight is common for campers who do not keep their food items secure. Do racoons attack tents? … Read more

How Much Water Should I Bring Camping?

how much water to bring camping

Water is one of the necessities of life. You may be able to live without food for weeks, but without water, you will not last more than three days. When you go camping, remember to account for your consumption and also keep in mind the other uses for water throughout your trip. Often while packing … Read more

Can I Sleep In My Car At a Campsite?

can I sleep in my car at a campsite

Sleeping in a car is preferred by many people over sleeping in a tent. This preference is because one needs to set up their tent properly. Staking your tent and properly insulating it can be a chore. Sleeping in your car is much more convenient, but is it legal? If you prefer not to sleep … Read more