Can You Visit American Samoa National Park in Winter?

If you’re a travel enthusiast who enjoys exploring far-flung areas, you might have heard about American Samoa National Park. Stretching 9000 acres, it is a majestic realm renowned for its native vegetation. With about 4,000 acres of the ocean alone, the region is also a bio marine hotspot, hosting 250 coral and 930 fish species. Moreover, the indigenous area is also known for its flowers. Its 540 species of flowering plants and 230 species of ferns and fern allies give it an elevated status among all other parks in the US. However, due to its remote location, the place only attracts 5000 people annually. If you’re considering visiting the American Samoa National Park in winter, there are some things you need to know beforehand. Deciding which month to visit it can be a daunting task. 

But worry not, this blog will address the most frequently asked questions:

  • Is American Samoa National Park Open in Winter?
  • How is American Samoa National Park during December, January, and February?
  • What are some fun and adventurous activities you can do there?
  • What is the best time of year to visit American Samoa National Park?

So, you too can witness its tropical rainforests, immaculate beaches, and swarming coral reefs. 

Is American Samoa National Park Open in Winter?

The American Samoa National Park is just 14 degrees south of the equator. It is located between the equator and the Tropic of Capricorn, to be more specific. That means it has a tropical climate, so the region is pretty hot and humid all year round.

The temperatures are almost always high, and there is no marked ‘winter’ season. The average temperature ranges from 77°F to 88°F. It is rarely below 74°F or above 90°F. 

Moreover, you can also expect frequent rainfall throughout the year. That is especially true for the rainy season, which runs from October to May. It isn’t the ideal time to visit due to tropical storms, which can sometimes last for an entire day. We recommend checking the weather forecast for preparation if you decide to stay at the park during these months. 

The park is open and operating 24/7 during the year. You are free to visit whenever you please. (Note: certain areas sometimes experience temporary closure due to maintenance issues, safety measures, etc.) 

The best time for a tour is from June to September since the temperature is relatively cooler. It is wintertime in the southern hemisphere. The temperature doesn’t vary much, but the weather is drier. There is comparatively less rainfall activity. That does not mean it will not rain at all. It just won’t be as much as during the rainy season.

Moreover, American Samoa National Park in winter is still vibrant and colorful, with the sun peeking out of the clouds. Nighttime is cool and comfortable. Tourist activity is high during this time. Drawn by its diverse species of reefs and flowers, it is an unconventional yet invaluable place for adventure, romance, and family vacation. 

Does It Snow in American Samoa National Park?

The short answer is no. There is no snow in American Samoa. But the weather can be very oppressive due to the heat. The coldest temperature recorded was 53°F on March 28, 1960. 

Moreover, the atmospheric temperature needs to be at or below 32° Fahrenheit for the formation of snowflakes. Thus, it is impossible to snow here. It does, however, rain a lot. The average annual rainfall ranges from 125 inches in the lowland arid areas to as much as 300-inches on mountainous terrain.  

What Is American Samoa National Park Like in December?

December is one of the worst months for visiting American Samoa National Park in winter. That is because the average daily temperature ranges from 84° F to 90° F. There’s frequent and intense rainfall all day, although for only brief periods. There are also constant thunderstorms.

Moreover, a limited six days do not experience any rain. The remaining 25-days are soaked in about 137 mm of rain. That is a part of the summertime in American Samoa, which also means an abrupt increase in humidity. Travelers may find the weather too hot and suffocating to be enjoyable.  

what is american samoa like in winter

High Risk of Natural Disasters

Furthermore, since American Samoa is in the South Pacific Ocean, there is a risk factor of tropical cyclones forming. There is also a constant threat of hurricanes, tsunamis, and earthquakes, which pose a grave threat to human life.

The only advantage to visiting American Samoa National Park during December is the affordability. You may be able to finance the entire trip on a relatively low budget. That is because of the reduction in flight fares and accommodation costs. But we do not find much appeal in it unless an inexpensive trip is your topmost priority. 

What Is American Samoa National Park Like in January?

Not a lot changes from December to January in American Samoa. Daily high temperatures are around 87° F, whereas daily low temperatures are approximately 78° F. They mostly range from more than 84° F and less than 90° F. 

The rainfall factor is also quite similar. There is constant cloud cover hovering over the horizon. The chance of the sky being overcast is almost 88% during January. January 8 is the day with the most clouds throughout the year. 

So, there is abundant rainfall throughout January. The afternoons experience thunderstorms, which are then followed by the sun. That, of course, also means heat and humidity. 

Moreover, the days are also quite long due to American Samoa’s proximity to the equator. January 1 marks the longest day of the month, with almost 12 hours and 58 minutes of daylight. Compare this with the UK, which only got an average of 4.1 daily sun hours in 2021.  

can you camp in american samoa national park

However, the days get relatively shorter as the month ends. There is only a minimal difference of 14 minutes, though. The shortest day is January 31, with 12 hours and 44 minutes of daylight. 

The possibilities of tropical cyclones also remain consistent. Checking the weather forecast for any weather hazards is recommended. However, if no such danger is predicted, the sea temperatures remain warm enough for swimming.

Tourists, especially from the northern hemisphere, prefer to come here during this time

The warm and steady weather of American Samoa seems like a wonderful escape from the brutal winter of the northern hemisphere. The numerous assortments of coral and flowers, with the non-crowded beaches, are happy to welcome them with open arms during January. 

What Is American Samoa National Park Like in February?

Summers in American Samoa last from October to May. They are hot, humid, and experience abundant rainfall. Thus, much like December and January, which fall within the summertime. February is also not much different in terms of weather. 

There is tremendous heat and humidity. The temperature fluctuates between 84° F and 90° F during the day. At nighttime, it shifts between 75° F and 82° F. Cloud cover in American Samoa in February is relatively less at 56%. 

The days also begin to be comparatively shorter than in January. The longest day experiences 12 hours and 44 minutes of daytime. (Note: It is the same as the shortest day of January). However, as the end of February approaches, it reduces to around 12 hours and 24 minutes of daylight on the last day of February. 

It is also worth noting that if you are planning a family vacation, it might not be the most suitable place for children. That is because of their increased vulnerability to heat strokes. They also have a higher heat production and sweat more than adults, which may make the trip unpleasant for them.  

What To Do in American Samoa National Park in the Winter

American Samoa National Park in winter is the best place for outdoor activities. Its numerous ventures make it a perfect spot for thrill and relaxation alike. Here we will walk you through some of them. 

So, let’s dive in! (pun intended)

Go to the Beach 

The American Samoan National Park mainly comprises three islands. These are called Tutuila, Ofu, and Ta’u. The park is a haven for people who wish to explore tropical wildlife. 

The captivating waves of the sea crashing into the pristine shoreline have an almost tranquilizing effect on people who stay here. Moreover, the coral reef marine habitats are a picturesque sight for those who decide to traverse underwater.

Tutuila is the most explored island due to its numerous beaches and hiking trails. Ofu is the least traveled but quite worthwhile. If you go there, you can experience one of the most unforgettable moments of your life: snorkeling

Diving through the flawless body of water, you witness the eye-catching and fascinating coral reefs. However, the area is a bit difficult to reach. Moreover, there are not any official diving centers. So you bring your diving gear if you decide to dive underwater

Moreover, if you’re a beginner, we recommend watching a guide video, such as the one below, before snorkeling: 

Go Hiking

The islands are connected by three hiking trails, which start from the Pola Island Trail. This trail is near the village of Vatia. The trail is 0.6 miles only. That makes it easy and perfect for hiking with the family.

Next is Tuafanua Trail in Tutuila. It is a relatively long trail at about 1.1 miles. Thus, it also takes longer to finish. However, it is popular, and you will encounter more people here than on other trails. 

The Hardest out of all the trails, which we only recommend for people with advanced expertise, is Mount Alava Trail. It is a 7-mile trek that takes you to the summit of Mount Alava. To the left, you can see a magnificent view of the Pacific Ocean as you climb along the ridge. 

However, the slope is quite slippery, even without rain. You have to be extra cautious about your steps. That is why we generally do not recommend this hike for beginners. 

What Is the Best Time of Year To Visit American Samoa National Park?

Winter in American Samoa National Park is hands down the best time of the year for a vacation. Daily temperatures fluctuate between 81°F and 87 °F. It is also considered the dry season, which means there is a general decrease in rainfalls and thunderstorms. 

The Winter months here are from May to October. Apart from being comparatively dry, the air is also less humid. The clear sunny skies and warm weather make it a dream destination for anyone who loves the summers. 

However, this is also the peak season, so expect an overall increase in airfare, accommodation costs, etc.

Precautions During Your Stay at American Samoa NP

  1. Solar radiation is quite intense in this part of the world. Always wear good sunscreen to avoid sunburn. We recommend the dermatologically tested Neutrogena Ultra Non-Greasy Sunscreen. Its lightweight and fast-absorbing texture make it the perfect choice for extreme heat. 
  1. Always carry insect repellent with you. Even if you’re not particularly scared, insects such as the tick can be dangerous to squish. We believe in the power of Repel Plant-Based Repellent to save us from these nasty bugs. 
  1. Hiking without a water bottle is a no-go. You need to have 2-3 liters of water per person. We prefer the Hydrapak Stow – Collapsible Water Bottle. It is durable, lightweight, and easy to carry, making it a perfect companion for your trek. 

Final Thoughts

Planning a trip, especially to a remote area such as the American Samoa National Park in winter, can be daunting. Questions about the weather, topography, landscape, and safety include extensive research. We hope you’re more aware of which time of the year suits you best.

Is the American Samoa National Park open in winter? Yes, it is. Although you can visit it anytime throughout the year, we find the pleasant air and pristine coastlines of the winter much more intriguing. Regardless of whenever you go there, do not forget to take your sunscreen and insect repellent spray. 

Happy Traveling!

If you love camping by the beach, take a look at our ultimate beach camping list.

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