What To Do When You Get To A Campsite At Night

Ideally, you want to arrive at your campsite early in the day to make setup easier for yourself. Nonetheless, arriving at your campsite during daylight hours isn’t always possible. Therefore, if you arrive at a campsite at night, you must prepare to set up your campsite safely and figure out what you want to do.

Continue reading to learn all the tips you need to know when you get to a campsite at night. This guide will help you feel prepared to handle the outdoors in the dark.

Bring Useful Supplies for Camping at Night

Preparing for the occasion is one of the most important parts of arriving at a campsite at night. If you know you’re going to arrive at night, there are specific supplies you should bring with you to make setup easier during the dark hours. The following our supply would be useful for nighttime camp set up.

  • Bring a headlight with you so you can set your campsite up without holding a flashlight. In addition, this headlight will allow you to free up your hand to get more work done.
  • Bring propane and a fire-starting kit, so you’re not fumbling around in the dark while setting up your fire.
  • Ensure you have all your overnight camping essentials, such as a sleeping bag, tenant, camp chairs, pillow, etc. 
  • Bring fully charged portable phone chargers with you so that your phone doesn’t die while you’re camping at night.

All of these supplies will help you set up your campsite at night. Without the supplies above, getting your tent set up and your fire could be difficult.  

Set Up Your Campsite

Check out our article on how to keep a tent from blowing away

When you first get to your campsite at night, setting up your tent and fire is the most important thing to do. You’re most likely going to bed soon, so you must get your tent set up as soon as possible. Follow the tips below for an easy nighttime campsite setup.

  • Attach your headlamp to your head so you can see everything you’re doing without trouble.
  • Set up your tent as your instructions would normally have you while wearing your head layout so you can see your supplies.
  • Assemble your sleeping bags or mattresses however you please in the tent.
  •  Secure any food, so that wild animals do not get into it and invade your campsite. 

Once you set everything up, you can start enjoying your camping trip. It is vital to set everything up before you start to unwind so that you’re not too tired to set up your campsite before you go to bed. 

Start Your Fire

After you have your tents all put together and your food secured properly, you can start your fire. Of course, starting a fire is much easier when you have a fire-starting kit at your disposal. However, you can start your fire from scratch as well. Follow the steps below to start your fire from scratch when you reach your campsite at night.

  1. Find a secure spot for your campfire. You must ensure that your campfire doesn’t catch on the surrounding trees. If you’re camping at a State Park, there’s likely a designated spot for a campfire to go.
  2. After the spot is decided, assemble your firewood so that each piece of wood receives plenty of air while still connecting with each other to keep the fire alive
  3. Place tinder such as cardboard or wood chips throughout the open spots between your logs. Your tinder will catch before your larger logs will. Once your tinder catches, it will transfer to the larger logs, which will keep your fire running longer.
  4. Choose your spark. You can use flintstone, matches, and lighters to start your fire.
what to do if you arrive at your camp at night

You can use the headlight lamp you used to set up your campsite to keep an eye on your fire materials before your fire starts. However, after you start your fire, you will no longer need your headlamp for nighttime camping activities. Therefore, using your headlamp as little as possible while camping would be best to preserve its battery life.

Engage in Fun Activities Nighttime Activities

Once your campsite is set up and your fire starts, you can start having some fun. Unfortunately, traveling through the dark of the woods at night is unsafe, and you’re likely tired from traveling to the campsite. However, there are plenty of fun things you can do at your campsite at night to help the time pass before you go to bed.

Tell Stories

Tell stories to your loved ones around the fire. Campfire stories are one of the most popular ways to pass the time at night while camping. 

Make S’mores

Enjoy some s’mores around the fire. So many people look forward to making campfire s’mores throughout the day while camping, and when you arrive at a campsite at night, you can get right to it.

Star Gaze

Enjoy star gazing at your campsite. Camping is one of the few situations where you can enjoy the stars without light pollution affecting your star gazing. While camping, you’ll have a full view of the stars above.

Play Charades

Reenact fun scenes together. Charades or impromptu acting skits are fun to pass the time at your campsite at night. This exercise can also be a great bonding activity for yourself and the other campers.

Read a Book

Unwind with a book by the fire. Reading can be a great way to relax before you go to bed if you’re ready to call it a night after a long road trip to your campsite. This activity will allow your social battery to recharge so that you can enjoy your camping companions the rest of the time.

Play Games

Play games like light tag or hide and seek around your campsite.

Make Something to Eat

Cook a delicious dinner for yourself and the other campers. One of the most satisfying parts of camping is cooking over the campfire.

Hanging out at your campsite after a long drive can be a great way to ease some of your travel tension. Sitting by the campfire at night is a naturally relaxing wave to enjoy your night. Whether you need to relax and recharge your social battery or you want to hang out with the people you’re camping with, sitting by the fire until you’re ready to go to bed is a great way to enjoy your campsite when you arrive at night.

Consider Dinner to Keep Yourself Energized for the Following Day

Campfire dinners can be fantastic when you make them right. The following are tools you should bring with you while camping to cook a delicious dinner when you get to your campsite at night.

  • Pack a cast iron pan so you can cook directly over your campfire.
  • Bring a durable cooler to keep your food safe before you’re ready to cook it.
  • Bring cooking utensils like a metal spatula, poking sticks, in metal spoons that you can use when you cook your food over the campfire.
  • Bring grilling supplies with you if your campsite supplies a grill. This supplies list includes charcoal, wood chips, and grill cleaning supplies so that you don’t get the leftovers from the campers before you.
  • Pack a fire pit cooktop to make grilling easier over the fire.
  • Invest in a cast-iron Dutch oven that you can hang above your campfire to cook food, similarly to an oven at home.

You can use tons of cast iron cookware over your campfire safely. However, it would be outstanding if you seasoned your cast iron before taking it to your campsite for optimal flavor. Also, feeding yourself when you get to your campsite at night is a great way to prevent hunger pains when you wake up.

Campfire Dinners to Cook at your Campsite at Night

You can enjoy many dishes when you arrive at your campsite at night. Yet, once you set up your campfire, the rest is up to you. The following are a few campfire dinners you can cook when you get to your campsite at night to recharge yourself for a productive morning.

  • Using a cast iron sandwich maker, you can make a sandwich over the campfire. Add all your fillings, butter your bread, and cook everything in the cast iron maker over your fire until it’s toasted to your preference.
  • Use your cast iron pan for cooking your choice of meat. You can either use a cooktop or cook over the hot coals of your campfire. Do not hold your pan while cooking over the fire.
  • Make a meat and vegetable stew in your cast iron Dutch oven.
  • Use an available grill to grill up your choice of vegetables or meat if available on your campsite.

As long as you have the proper supplies, you can cook any dinner you want for your campfire. Campfire cooking is one of the best ways to get a natural smoky flavor into your food. It can also feel more satisfying to cook over a campfire because it feels like you’re getting in touch with your roots.

Dangers of Getting to your Campsite at Night

When you arrive here campsite at night there are a few things you need to look out for a while you set up. During the daytime, you can have a clear line of vision and less nighttime animal activity to worry about. However, when you set up your campsite at night, watch out for the following situations.

Nocturnal Animals

Your campsite may draw animals if you don’t light the fire immediately. If possible, you should try keeping wild animals away from your campsite because they can get into your food and even cause you damage.


It would be best to bring and apply bug spray as soon as you reach your campsite at night. While insects are at campsites throughout the day also, there are even more prominent, and night, so you need to protect yourself. In addition, many insects carry diseases and germs that you must avoid while camping at night.

It’s Difficult to Get Around

Avoid walking through the woods at night. It can be very easy to get lost in the trees when there’s no light out. Staying at your campsite is the best way to stay safe while camping at night.

Theft can be a massive issue on a campsite with other campers. Many campers feel bold to steal items at night because they assume people are asleep. Always keep your item secure to protect yourself from theft and animals.

Leaving your campfire unattended and in a dangerous spot can cause a wildfire. You need to check up on your campfire occasionally to ensure that no dangerous situations occur that could set fire to the woods. Campfires are extremely dangerous when left unattended for hours, especially if your campsite doesn’t have a designated spot for your fire.

It Can Be Cold!

Pack plenty of warm clothing and sleeping supplies to combat chilly nights. Even during the summer, it can get chilly at night and cause dangerous health situations.

These are issues you’ll calendar throughout your trip if camping overnight. During the day, you have ample time to prepare for these situations, but when you get to your campsite at night, you have significantly less time to prepare. Therefore, when you arrive, you must set up your campsite as soon as possible.

Final Thoughts

When you get to your campsite at night, you must set your stuff up immediately before participating in fun camping activities. Then, after you’re all set up, you can enjoy a nice campfire dinner or tell some campfire stories but your loved ones. However, avoid leaving your campsite at night because you could get lost or encounter wild animals without proper preparation.

Arriving at your campsite during the daytime is significantly safer than getting to the campsite at night. Although sometimes you have no choice but to arrive at night because of your situation. If you arrive at your campsite at night, you must take proper precautions to keep yourself safe.

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