How to Insulate Your Tent for Winter Camping

Avoid camping during winter? Do not know how to insulate your tent and keep yourself warm? If you are a camping enthusiast, sooner or later you are going to have to learn how to properly insulate a tent for winter. If you master this skill all your camping buddies are going to be extremely impressed and grateful for your help. 

Insulate tent for winter

Without sufficient insulation, your camping experience will be a lot less enjoyable. Depending on the weather conditions you could also be at risk for hypothermia. These reasons are why it is always important to check weather conditions and learn the proper skills. Do not worry we are here to prevent your next outdoor adventure from becoming a disaster.

We will discuss everything from insulation techniques to the safety of propane heaters. We will answer all your questions and provide you with the tips you need to finally get the courage to invite that special someone on a winter camping trip.

What can I use to insulate a tent?

There are many commercially available products are designed with insulation in mind. Among these are emergency blankets and reflective foam, both of which we will cover in this article.

The most basic way to insulate a tent for winter is to use a tarp. The basic idea is to prevent airflow, which can quickly remove the heat from your tent. The following YouTube video by Eric Bourgault gives an in-depth tutorial on this method.

While the concept is simple, it is often the little things that get overlooked.

Set up your tent in a good spot

This is something that most new campers overlook. You should always try to set up in an area that can diffuse winds. Open fields and bare mountainsides are not recommended. The best area to set up a tent is one which is surrounded by trees. This will reduce wind speeds and help keep you warm. Make sure not to set up directly under a tree as this will not allow sunlight to reach your tent in the morning.

Do insulated tents work?

Some people are just not the type to do everything themselves. If that is you then you are probably wondering can I not just buy an insulated tent? Do they work?

Yes, insulated tents work and they will make sure you are comfortable. But if for some reason you find yourself feeling cold in your newly bought insulated tent, be sure to use the techniques mentioned in this article to improve your experience. If you are in the market, we prefer this insulated tent for winter.

4-season tents

Many companies advertise 4-season tents. These tents have an added benefit of being usable in the summers when compared to insulated tents. If you want to save a few bucks we recommend getting one of these because of their versatility. Besides, if you feel too cold, you can always use the methods mentioned in this article to better insulate a tent for winter.

Insulated tents for winter

Best tent insulation material

Insulating a tent is not very different from insulating a house. Ideally, you want a material that has a lot of air pockets. This will keep air trapped in the material which is an excellent insulator. Reflectivity and light color are also nice qualities to have as they can prevent heat loss due to radiation. Lastly, when choosing the best insulation material, availability also plays a major role.

Reflective foam 

Reflective foam is the best material for tent insulation. It has every single desirable property including air pockets and reflectivity. It is also flexible and thus can easily be fit on the inside or outside of a tent. The only drawback is that you need to buy and carry it with you when cold weather is expected.


What if you are unprepared and the weather worsens? A decent choice could be to insulate your tent with leaves. Leaves can create air pockets and when mixed with a bit of dirt, will not immediately blow away. However, If you do not want dirt inside your tent, these can only be used to insulate from the outside. The benefit of this approach is that leaves are available almost everywhere.

Can you heat a tent in winter?

Of course, there are quite a few ways to heat one’s tent. A properly insulated tent can keep heat trapped for a long time. An insulated tent will eventually get warm due to your body heat. But this can take a long time. So what can you do to warm up the tent faster?  

Electric Heaters

Can you use an electric heater in your tent

If your campsite has electricity then an electric heater is a no-brainer. Even if you have no electricity, a small generator is not that expensive and can solve the issue. These heaters are very effective and produce quick results. Any electrical device if left unattended can be a potential fire hazard. Keep in mind the following when using an electric heater to warm up your tent.

  • Purchase your heater from a reliable vendor.
  • Avoid using the heater while sleeping.
  • Ensure all connections are properly secured to avoid sparking.
  • Make sure there is ventilation to avoid high humidity. 

You can also use an electric blanket. These are safer as they are generally lower powered but they can still cause the same problems.

Propane Heaters

These heaters may be your only choice when camping in extremely far-off areas. Although they are not recommended because of the hazards associated with them. In this article, we will go over how to properly use propane heaters.

Candle Lanterns

While candle lanterns are primarily used for lighting purposes, they can still warm up a tent if it is small. Like all burning items in a closed environment, there is the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Do not use them overnight and keep your tent ventilated. We recommend the following candle lantern which has a total of 3 candles: 

How do you keep a tent warm without electricity?

If you came prepared or if you can build a fire, you don’t need electricity at all to keep your tent warm. Never limit yourself to campsites that have electricity. There is a whole new world out there waiting for you.

Dress Appropriately

This tip is quite basic but you would be surprised how many people ignore it. Your clothes are an important part of the battle to keep yourself warm. Apart from layering warm clothes, wearing thermals is recommended and a beanie can also help a lot. Have lots of socks to make sure that you only wear dry socks. If you are feeling extra cold you can always wear a scarf and some gloves.   

Get a Good Quality Sleeping Bag

If you plan on camping somewhere that has extreme weather conditions, you will need to make sure that your sleeping bag is up to the task. Heavy-duty bags are designed for these temperatures and rated accordingly. To be on the safe side, get a bag that is rated for a lower temperature than what you are expecting.

Can you heat a tent in winter

Hot Stones

This is quite an effective method of warming your tent and involves heating stones in your campfire. Usually, 1-2 pound stones are used as they are easy to transport. You can put the hot stones on the ground inside your tent. Alternatively, you can also put them in a cooking pan to prevent them from rolling around too much. Just make sure that you put everything on solid ground and not something flammable.

Hot Water Bottles

While only being a short-term solution, hot water bottles can provide much-needed warmth when going to sleep. Water has a high thermal mass and is readily available even in nature. Heat water in a pan using your campfire. Just before it boils, pour it into a reliable hot water bottle preferably with a fleece cover. Insert into the sleeping bag to warm it up and enjoy a good night’s rest.

Is a propane heater safe in a tent?

This is a common question as it seems quite unsafe to have a propane heater inside a tent. Rest assured, they are safe, as long as you follow the proper instructions provided with the heater. Many people assume that propane is why these heaters are not recommended. But that is not the case in actuality it is the carbon monoxide that gives these heaters a bad reputation.

The following propane heater advertises excellent safety and portability. Be sure to check it out:

Beware Carbon Monoxide

Carbon monoxide is a colorless and odorless gas and is produced when there is incomplete combustion of propane or any other fuel source. It cannot be detected without the use of a specialized sensor.

The gas is known as “the silent killer” and is toxic in high concentrations. The first symptom of carbon monoxide poisoning is dizziness. When in a high enough concentration it will render you unconscious. If you or anyone with you feels dizzy or sick when a propane heater has been running, turn it off immediately.

Keep your tent ventilated

When using propane heaters, you must keep your tent ventilated. Even if it is unlikely, your heater can still produce carbon monoxide. Keeping your tent ventilated will ensure that the carbon monoxide does not build up and keeps escaping outside.

This is especially important if you are using an insulated tent. They are unlikely to have any vents that can allow carbon monoxide to escape. You are encouraged to make an opening for airflow or keep the door of the tent partially open.

Watch this YouTube video to learn more about how to properly use a propane heater in a tent:

Can you use an emergency blanket for tent insulation?

Yes, they are an excellent choice to insulate tent for winter. Emergency blankets also known as space blankets should already be with you in your first aid kit. These are made from thin reflective material with multiple layers. They are excellent when it comes to preventing heat loss by radiation. 

We advise keeping multiple emergency blankets with you as they are extremely lightweight and are quite versatile. If you are looking to purchase emergency blankets, we recommend the following pack.

Insulating using emergency blankets

It is recommended to use multiple emergency blankets and hang them on the walls of your tent from the inside. Be sure to press them against the walls and also lay one or two blankets on the floor. Properly tuck the blankets which are on the ground and try to reduce airflow. These will create a heat chamber and will ensure no heat escapes from your tent.

Some do not prefer the feeling of sitting or laying on an emergency blanket. For this reason, space blankets can also be laid over your tent from the outside. This however is not very secure as any strong wind can blow them away. When implementing this method be sure to properly secure the blankets using rope or some clips.

Can you insulate a tent for winter


As we have seen, there are many ways to insulate tent for winter. If you are looking for optimal results, however, it does not hurt to be prepared. You should always check the weather forecast and plan accordingly. Carrying emergency blankets and reflective foam is a great idea. Furthermore, your equipment and clothing should be appropriate for the weather.

Carrying an electric or a propane heater is a good way to ensure warmth even on the coldest of nights. Learning how to build a fire effectively is also important as it is a prerequisite for many tent warming techniques.

Next time you decide to go on an outdoor adventure in the winter, be sure to showcase your awesome skills. Practice makes perfect and once you improve your skills, it may not be such a bad idea to invite that special someone you like on a winter camping trip.

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